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Regardless of how small your business is, you are at risk if you don't support your menopausal employees
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Dandelions are masters of survival, no matter how rocky the ground or inhospitable their surroundings, those beautiful yellow flowers still grow.
Let's work together to create inclusive workplace culture to support menopausal women to continue working and thrive in their careers.


"The Equality & Human Rights Commission has published new guidance that details legal obligations employers have to follow to support menopausal women in the workplace.

We know 1 in ten women end up leaving their job due to their menopausal symptoms so it's hugely important there's a focus on better care for women in the workplace " Louise Newson

What happens if your midlife female employees decide to leave your organisation?

All that knowledge, wisdom and experience gone.

How would you feel knowing you could have done something about it?

Act NOW to protect your business and make your workplace a supportive environment.


Are you ready to get started?

Does your workplace need help in supporting peri and menopausal women

Drop me a line so I can help your workplace make the change

LY video series

Get in touch, using the contact form below, drop me an email at hello@dandeliononline.co.uk or give me a call on 07970 692446

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Please enter a message.

Access our group support here for regular menopause information on symptoms, wellness, HRT and alternatives plus group chats, online discussions and occasional funnies
